There are different kinds of information on this blog:

The proper applications correlate as follows:

The purpose of the content of this blog is for the following:

This content has been created with the following motives:

This blog uses the concept of anarchy. Anarchy, as used in this blog, does not refer to a condition of disorder, chaos, or disunity. Instead, anarchy refers to a condition of order, structure, and unity without the presence of a ruler, someone or a group of someones who establish(es) rules that others must follow without those others’ prior consent having been given. This is a colloquially uncommon definition, though many of the other definitions used on the site are also different from their colloquial one, while still more are in fact colloquial. This provides an example of the care that the reader should take in the interpretation of the words used on this site: a great deal of it. All definitions are those of the author and are to be construed in a manner appropriate to the context of the information on the rest of the blog.


The author is a lifelong learner, who is perpetually continuing his education socially by engaging in conversation with other lifelong learners. The author’s education is not and never will be considered finalized.

The author is a self-educated autodidact. The author’s education is not in any way formal, the author having no degrees or certificates (excepting a GED and a Permaculture Teacher Certificate). The author is a lay learner, lay philosopher, and lay researcher.

The informational content of this blog is cross-disciplinary in nature. The cross-disciplinary nature of this content naturally impedes the author as a specialist in the various fields from which the information is derived. This being the case, the informational content is abstract and general in nature, and much of it represents the half-baked ideas of the author, the details having not been worked out.

The information used in this blog is the best of the author’s knowledge at the time of writing, but the author reserves the right to change his opinion and may do so without making an immediate change or any edits at all to his previously stated opinion.

The author does not condone any unlawful, illegal, vicious, or hateful behavior. No information on this blog is to be construed otherwise.

Nothing on this blog should be construed for legal, accounting, financial, relational, or living advice.

Any information used or derived from this blog is used under the reader’s own discretion and at the reader’s own risk. The reader, if sharing information derived from this blog with others, assumes all liability associated with sharing the information. The author cannot be held liable for any damages caused from the use or misuse of the information herein.