Don't be a Stranger!

We are all used to being bombarded with misinformation, but it is difficult to sort out what is true from what is not. It is my opinion that people in positions of authority or who have high media exposure are generally untrustworthy, because their merits are not natural and bottom up, but artificial and top down. But these and those who agree with them are the people who we see pushed onto us all of the time, whether it be through selection by statists or capitalists and their agents or, to say the same, through AI (artificial intelligence). We can be fairly certain that such talking heads have been indoctrinated by the system, whether through accredited educational institutions or, to say the same once more, through popular culture.

If you like what you read here, in contrast, treasure it, because you won't find these discussions covered elsewhere in such a comprehensive and cohesive fashion. You should bookmark this blog and visit it often to read and reread the articles. Your other option is to keep caving to more sensational, but less deep, ideas, and giving those attention, time and again, at the expense of what you can learn here, which is very different and much rarer to come across. If you do that enough, you will easily become an automaton for the elites, because "You are what you eat," and your mental diet will be elitist, ruling class propaganda. Here, you can read from the efforts of a working class individual (not a professional or techno-managerial Bobo) who is completely self-educated, and not as thoroughly indoctrinated by state credentialism as most people are, having instead pursued contradicting beliefs to those we have all been force-fed.

Unlike many authors, since I am independent and am not driven by money to do this (nor do I want special interests to control me through a Board of Directors in a nonprofit), I am not pressured to spit out a bunch of sensational or worthless pieces in order to meet a deadline or to generate funds, and, as you might notice, I do not refrain from saying what needs to be said about topics such as sex, race, ethnicity, and the various bogus models of science (such as entropianism, static Earth, the monogenic cult, statism, Marxist and Austrian economics, and LGBTQABDSM). My writings here are not written to impress anyone, but instead as the genuine and authentic expression of the author as produced according to the author's inner inspiration. They are not about current events occurring in the spectacle, such as politics and particular happenings of the culture war, but about matters of perennial concern, such as the laws of Nature that tell us what it means to be a good person living a happy life and how to achieve great things. Unlike the news covered by other blogs, the topics touched upon are of eternal importance to the human story. And I pride myself in living a simplistic lifestyle, subsisting on a simple vegetarian and mostly whole foods diet, avoiding entertainment at all costs, and enjoying basic conviviality and the exchange of ideas and focused work with others, so I don't need to make money doing this-- even if it is a nice idea-- and so don't compromise on my message in order to do so. What you read is what you get, and I think that's a good thing. Don't you?